Temporary exhibition
PLACE: Centro Cultural de la Villa (Madrid)
DATE: Temporary exhibition April- June 2015
DESCRIPTION: Realization and production of all the audio-visuals and interactives of the exposition:
The creation (La creación): Audio-visual multiscreen show where the history of the creation of the world is reported, drawn from a romanesque tapestry of the 11th century.
The temple (El templo): Audio-visual to explain, through illustrations, the constructive evolution of Salomon’s temple.
The apostolic mission (La misión apostólica): Depart from Beato de Osma’s Map, this is an audio-visual where the evangelization of the apostles around the world is narrated.
Apocalypses (Apocalipsis): Audio-visual starring by illustrations of the apocalypses demonic beasts, according to Beato.
Holy Sepulchre (El Santo Sepulcro): Photographic audio-visual to show close-ups and details of one of the exposition’ pieces displayed in showcases.
Mirror’s allegory (Alegoría de los Espejos): Interactive supporting a painting to deepen understanding of its contents.
Gothic Bible (Biblia Gótica): Interactive book
Sancho’s VII Bible (Biblia de Sancho VII): Audio-visual that displays different pages of the Bible.
San Isidoro’s Romanesque Bible (Biblia románica de San Isidoro): Audio-visual that displays different pages of the Bible.